I had some leftover cake balls from the pops I made last night.  I’ve been seeing a lot of these cupcake pops lately, and they are just so cute!  I’ve made cupcake bites before, but never made pops out of them.  So I decided to give them a try.

Roll your cake ball so that it fits nicely in the peanut butter cup mold.

Fill the cup up about 1/2 to 3/4 full.  You don’t want it to overflow when you insert the cake ball.

Insert the cake ball into the mold. Press the cake ball down so that you feel it touch the bottom of the mold.  This is crucial for inserting the pop stick in the next step.  Big thanks to my friend Debbie who taught me this trick.

Place your mold tray in the refrigerator for 5 minutes to allow the chocolate to harden. When firm, turn the tray over onto a plate, and they should fall right out… sometimes they might need a small nudge.

Notice how you can see the cake peeking through? This is the “soft spot” where you’ll insert the stick.

Dip the pop stick tip into melted candy, and insert into the “soft spot”.  Set to the side for a few minutes to allow the candy to harden.

Keeping the pop straight up-and-down, dip into the melted candy – just up to the edge of the bottom half (yellow).

Ta da – my first cupcake pops!  These were so fun & easy to make… I can’t wait to make them again!