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I scream, you scream, we all scream for… cupcakes?


That’s right! Ice cream cone cupcakes have been a favorite of mine, ever since my mom made them I was younger. They are such a fun way to serve cupcakes, and I have a new twist to make them into an interactive activity for kids.

I was babysitting my niece and nephew, ages 6 and 9, who have grown used to the fact that every time I come over, we are baking something. We’ve made quite a few things over the years, from Tie Dye Cupcakes, to cake pops, cookies and more… so I wanted to do something different.

While I was in the grocery store, I spotted Duncan Hines Frosting Creations and had an idea – we could make an “Ice Cream” Cupcakes BAR, with different flavors of “ice cream”! *note: this post is not sponsored by Duncan Hines*

IMG_8712Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees & prepare the cake mix as directed on the box. You can use any flavor mix, but I like using Confetti Cake because the cake looks more colorful when you bite into the cone.

IMG_8714Portion 2 tablespoons of batter into each cone. It doesn’t sound like a lot, but trust me, it is just the right amount.

IMG_8716If you don’t have measuring spoons handy, any spoon will do… just let your kiddos know to fill the cones to just below the inner ridge of the cone (below the open squares/pockets that go around the top/inside of the cone).


In the oven they go for about 20 minutes.

IMG_8721She was mesmerized when the batter started to rise…


Keep an eye on them around the 18 minute mark. If the tops start to get golden brown, bring them out and test the cake with a thin knife or tooth pick… if the knife/pick comes out clean, then you’re all finished.


As the cones are cooling, begin to prepare your “ice cream” (aka various flavored frostings). One can of Duncan Hines Frosting Starter is all you’ll need; simply portion it out in equal amounts into smaller bowls.

Start by sprinkling in about a third of the flavor mix, stirring thoroughly. Using a separate spoon, taste a small amount to determine if you need more flavoring… this was the kids’ favorite part – somehow we kept needing to taste more & more!


Time for dessert! This would work great for a birthday party treat… everyone can add their own “ice cream” frosting and toppings for a DIY “Ice Cream” Cupcake Bar.


The pastel sprinkles I bought at Chocolate Treasures paired so nicely with the light colors of the frosting.


My favorite flavor was the Strawberry Shortcake frosting… it was so good! Enjoy!
